4, August 2022
3 Natural DIY Face & Body Scrubs
As good for your skin as it is for reusing leftover coffee grounds, this energising body scrub exfoliates, brightens and moisturises with every sweep. Thanks to its high caffeine and antioxidant content, coffee is known for its skin brightening magic, while honey and olive oil each have natural antibacterial and moisturising qualities – dream team!Combine 3-4 tbsp of used coffee grounds with 5 tbsp olive oil and 5 tbsp honey. Gently massage into damp skin (ideal for a coffee-infused morning shower) before rinsing with warm water to reveal the glow. Store any remaining scrub in a jar in the fridge and use around once a week.
Possibly as simple as it gets, this two ingredient scrub combines soothing oats with moisture-rich honey to gently revive dull, dry skin. (And because it’s sooo simple, it’s ideal for those with sensitive skin types.)Mix 2 tbsp finely ground oatmeal with 1 tbsp honey and 1tbsp warm water to form a thick paste. Then, massage into your face (and/or body) and let it sit for 4 minutes to really absorb that oaty goodness before rinsing away with warm water. Use your scrub once or twice a week.
Lemons are one of the best natural sources of glow-giving, anti-aging vitamin C, and this easy peasy (lemon squeezy) scrub is a great - affordable - way to incorporate it into your skincare routine.
All you’ll need is the juice of one lemon, and around a cup of brown sugar (enough to create a paste-like consistency). Apply the zesty mixture to your face and body to scrub away dead skin cells, cleanse clogged pores and leave your skin at its soft, silky best.