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Nature is for everyone

2, June 2021

Nature is for everyone

Where better to begin Notes On Nature than with a belief that’s absolutely fundamental to what we’re about? It's a company mantra that if you’ve followed us for a while you’ll be familiar with. But if today’s the first day you’re discovering us, then that makes it all the more true:

Nature is for everyone.

It’s pretty straight forward. It should be obvious, even. But, for some reason, it’s a fact humanity repeatedly forgets. Back in the 70s when our founder, Rivka, moved to the UK, she found that natural products were the preserve of either very knowledgable herbalists (like her) or the relatively wealthy. Which is totally at odds with nature’s way.

And things are even more worrying today. From deforestation to the pollution of waterways, it’s as if nature — boundaryless by definition— belongs to governments and large corporations, not to every single one of us.

Which is why ‘nature is for everyone’ means even more today than it ever has. It doesn’t only mean that we should all be able to afford the best quality natural products. It means that clean water, clean air and a clean planet are fundamental human rights.

In whichever direction you look, nature is right there. Even when you look in the mirror. It’s right there. At your fingertips and in your fingertips. We are all part of it. And yet we need to work harder today than ever to reconnect with it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. It doesn’t matter if you can’t tell a parsley from a coriander. It doesn’t matter if you live in a tower block or an earth-ship. If you want to live a more natural lifestyle, it should be within reach.

And not only should it be. We all need it to be.

Reconnecting to the natural world isn’t about turning back the clock. It’s about figuring out how to forge that connection within all of the challenges we face today.

And there’s only one way we can do that: if we all do it together.

Nature is for everyone.